



It is a first train of the new four-car Class HTR 412, where H in the designation stands for hybrid. These units will therefore be able to run both when fed with a 3 kV DC voltage from the catenary and on non-electrified lines using an auxiliary diesel drive and/or traction batteries.
Hitachi Blues, Velim (11.5. 2021)
Prvn tyvozov jednotka adyHTR 412 (H v oznaen - hybridn vozidlo) se momentln nachz na zkuebnm okruhu Vڎ Velim. Tyto jednotky jsou schopn provozu nejen na elektrifikovanch trat (3kV), tak i na tratch neelektrifikovanch (naftov pohon/baterie).
Hitachi Blues, Velim (11.5. 2021)
Hitachi Blues, Velim (11.5. 2021)
Hitachi Blues, Velim (11.5. 2021)
Hitachi Blues, Velim (11.5. 2021)
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